We go for zero waste.

We go for zero waste.

What about you?

Hospitals are known as one of the biggest waste producers every day. In order to reach the hygiene quality standards for optimum patient safety a certain amount of waste is unavoidable.

Nevertheless, a lot of waste can also be reduced by adopting new technologies. For example, Simendo simulators produce almost zero waste compared to any other conventional training solution. Especially with the introduction of our surgical procedures, silicon models can also be history in your hospital.

Using Simendo is reducing plastics, transport and last but not least; spendings.

More news:

Simendo sponsor at the 31st International EAES Congress | Roma, Italy | June 2023

Simendo sponsor at the 31st International EAES Congress | Roma, Italy | June 2023

We are delighted to announce our presence as a sponsor of the 31st International EAES Congress

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